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3rd updated edition Latin Pronunciation & Ancient & Modern Accents Geo-social Applications of the Natural Phonetics & Tonetics Method . Luciano Canepari University of Venice   with counseling by Fernando Maggi   The pronunciation of classical Latin is described according to the principles of Natural Phonotonetics (which is concisely introduced in two chapters), also following ancient texts and descriptions.   A number of both ‘ancient’ and ‘modern’ (European) Latin accents are also presented, for useful comparisons. Some diachronic phonopses and thousands of famous sentences and phrases are included, as well. The concise phonopses of 26 peculiar languages are presented for com-parisons, too. Several conversations and literary texts are transcribed phonotonetically.   ISBN 9783969391303 (Hardbound). LINCOM Studies in Phonetics 33. 236pp. 2022. 3rd ed. elit culpa sed sint ad fugiat, nostrud nulla consequat ipsum ex: Eiusmod veniam culpa. Amet ut dolor. Exercitation incididunt irure ut, dolor non dolore do. Magna nisi commodo, enim amet.
Linguistics - Phonetics - Anthropology - Literature - Semiotics - Mathematics - Politics


A Grammar of Lhowa Dan Raj Regmi, Ambika Regmi & Jamyang Gelek Gurung Tribhuvan University This grammar, within the framework of adaptive approach, describes and analyzes phonological and grammatical codes in Lhowa, a southern Tibetic language, and compares them with those in Lhasa Tibetan and other Central Bodish languages from typological perspective. Lhowa, a tonal language, exhibits high-front and mid-front rounded vowels, murmured plosives and voiceless lateral. Typologically, it is an agglutinating and consistently ergative language. Nouns are not marked for grammatical gender and number for agreement in the complex of the verbs. However, they are marked for three numbers (viz., singular vs. dual vs. plural) and twelve case-roles. Lhowa distinguishes personal pronouns in terms of social standing (viz., ordinary vs. honorific) and clusivity (viz., inclusive vs. exclusive) in the first person plural. Adjectives, numerals and quantifiers follow the nouns whereas demonstratives and possessive pronouns precede the nouns. In Lhowa, tense markers interact with aspect, modality and evidentiality. Besides, Lhowa presents a verb agreement system which is closely related to conjuct-disjunct distinction. Especially, egophoricity (viz., marking distinctly for the first person) in the past tense is governed exclusively by volitionality. Egophoricity is also evident in essential and existential copulas. Like in Tibetan, tense is deduced from the general context of the text. Lhowa, a dependent marking and extremely nominalizing language, registers non-promotional type of passive. As a Tibetic language, Lhowa shares a number of phonological and grammatical coding devices with Lhasa Tibetan and languages belonging to gTsang cluster of Central Bodish. However, due to inter-language contact, Lhowa exhibits some contact induced changes in the phonological and grammatical coding devices which Lhasa Tibetan and other members of gTsang cluster do not normally display. ISBN 9783969391396. LINCOM Studies in Asian Linguistics 98. 224 pp. 2023. Parerga Baltica   Bohumil Vykypěl Akademie der Wissenschaften, Brünn   Im vorliegenden Band werden dem interessierten Publikum Texte zu verschiedenen baltistischen Fragen angeboten. Der Verfasser untersucht die angeblich polnischen und litauischen Wörter im altpreußischen Vokabular Simon Grunaus und die Frage der lexikalischen Pruthenismen im Litauischen. Aus historisch-vergleichender und typologischer Perspektive werden der Dual und das Genus im Baltischen betrachtet. Behandelt werden der Ursprung und die Entwicklung des Komparativs im Lettischen und des verbalen Ausdrucks der Possessivität in den baltischen Sprachen. Ferner wird die Frage der grammatischen Entlehnungen im Baltischen berührt. Schließlich schreibt der Verfasser über die Beziehung Louis Hjelmslevs zu den baltischen Ländern und denkt über einige Aspekte der Entwicklung der litauischen Schriftsprache nach.   ISBN 9783969391310 (Hardbound). LINCOM Studies in Indo-European Linguistics 57. 132pp. 2022. L’italiano con l’acqua Livello avanzato   Alberto Regagliolo l’Università Stefan Wyszyński   con la collaborazione di A. Wardal, V. Bellon / G. Fredella / il Pianeta Azzurro   L’italiano con l’acqua è un manuale di italiano per studenti stranieri che hanno già raggiunto un livello B2-C1 del Quadro comune europeo di riferimento per la conoscenza delle lingue (QCER) e che hanno, inoltre, una forte passione per il mondo dell’acqua. L’obiettivo del manuale è quello di approfondire, prima di tutto, alcune espressioni linguistiche, ma anche migliorare le competenze lessicali e morfosintattiche. Gli esercizi proposti all’interno possono, inoltre, servire per la preparazione agli esami ufficiali di lingua italiana. Le espressioni incluse nel manuale sono: nuotare come un pesce, promettere mari e monti, finché la barca va, acqua in bocca, fare acqua da tutte le parti, un mare di, tirare i remi in barca, in un mare di, essere sulla cresta dell’onda, in alto mare, un fiume in piena, essere sulla stessa barca, in un mare di guai, levare le ancore, andare controcorrente, buttare a mare e ancora di salvezza. ISBN 9783969391259. LINCOM Language Coursebooks 19. 260pp. 2022.
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