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3rd updated edition Latin Pronunciation & Ancient & Modern Accents Geo-social Applications of the Natural Phonetics & Tonetics Method . Luciano Canepari University of Venice   with counseling by Fernando Maggi   The pronunciation of classical Latin is described according to the principles of Natural Phonotonetics (which is concisely introduced in two chapters), also following ancient texts and descriptions.   A number of both ‘ancient’ and ‘modern’ (European) Latin accents are also presented, for useful comparisons. Some diachronic phonopses and thousands of famous sentences and phrases are included, as well. The concise phonopses of 26 peculiar languages are presented for com-parisons, too. Several conversations and literary texts are transcribed phonotonetically.   ISBN 9783969391303 (Hardbound). LINCOM Studies in Phonetics 33. 236pp. 2022. 3rd ed. elit culpa sed sint ad fugiat, nostrud nulla consequat ipsum ex: Eiusmod veniam culpa. Amet ut dolor. Exercitation incididunt irure ut, dolor non dolore do. Magna nisi commodo, enim amet.
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Morphology A Coursebook for Students of English as a Foreign Language Hussein Abdul-Raof Taibah University, Saudi Arabia Morphology: A Coursebook for Students of English as a Foreign Language provides a methodologically comprehensive course of morphology. Through the detailed discussion, extensive examples and exercises, the current book equips undergraduate students whose English is not their mother language with sound awareness of and insight into the fundamental aspects of English morphology. This book addresses the learning and academic needs of students of EFL in morphology-made-easy way. It also addresses the teachers’ needs in terms of the teaching materials required for the morphology undergraduate module. The practical aspect of the book helps students develop their critical analysis, and also helps the morphology module leader to give different home assignments, in-class exercises, and classroom discussion. The present coursebook is quite different from existing books on morphology written for the speakers of English as a native language. Since there is no book on morphology specifically designed for speakers of English as a foreign language, this book has an international appeal. It is the first book on morphology to address this specific international academic need and will plug a research gap in a more innovative way. Hussein Abdul-Raof (formerly, The University of Leeds) is a Professor of Linguistics and Translation Studies. ISBN 9783969392096. LINCOM Coursebooks in Linguistics 34. 308pp. 2024. A Grammar of Doromu-Koki   Robert L. Bradshaw SIL International, James Cook University A Grammar of Doromu-Koki covers major features of this formerly minimally described language of Papua New Guinea. This Papuan language, which has been classified as Southeast Manubaran, is spoken by approximately 2,000 speakers. Half reside in the original community area, located in the Owen Stanley ranges to the east-southeast of the capital, Port Moresby, while the remainder are currently living and working there in the capital. This analysis includes culturally appropriate examples from a corpus collected over a period of 18 years. It follows the Basic Linguistic Theory (Dixon 2010a, 2010b and 2012) and The Art of Grammar (Aikhenvald 2015c) framework. The following core aspects of the language studied include: phonology and morphophonology, word classes, complex predicates and verb phrase structure, clause types and structure, clause combining, discourse-pragmatic devices and features of the lexicon. The analysis seeks to promote the preservation of an already endangered language for the benefit of its speakers, and also for linguistic and anthropological scholarship. Textual examples are supplemented by forty-two interlinearised texts of several genres. Indices further specify details of these texts and any others cited in the analysis. Various interesting lexical items include: homonyms, lexeme senses, verbal semantics, autochthonous versus borrowed synonyms, idioms, borrowed terms and biblical translation key terms. The work concludes with a vocabulary list of all Doromu-Koki words and affixes found therein. ISBN 9783969392058 (Hardcover). LINCOM Studies in Pacific Languages 01. 754pp. 2024. Study of an Abruzzese Language Variety Uâʃtaréule Documentation, Analysis and Relationship with Italian Ray LaVerghetta Howard Community College This study presents a thorough grammatical description of one of the less well-known languages spoken on the Italian peninsula – Abruzzese, specifically the variety spoken in Vasto, in the province of Chieti, known as Uâʃtaréule among its native speakers. Included in the study is a detailed analysis of the variety’s syntax, which is the component of grammar that researchers have traditionally studied the least when examining the Latin- derived, non-Italian languages spoken on the peninsula. The study also provides a careful description of the variety’s sound system, its morphology, its extensive linguistic variation along multiple dimensions, and the significant language contact phenomena that have influenced its grammar as well as the grammar of the regional Italian spoken in the area. Finally, it explains in accessible terms for the local language community the true character and value of its linguistic patrimony and suggests possible options for ensuring the viability of the variety going forward. ISBN 9783969392027 (Hardbound). LINCOM Studies in Romance Linguistics 88. 324pp. 2024.
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